UKRAINE MAP. Follow the evolution of the war in real time

UKRAINE MAP Follow the evolution of the war in real

UKRAINE MAP. To better follow the evolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia, many maps are available. What to keep informed in real time of the situation.

For almost eight months, Russia has been waging a war in Ukraine. Thus, on February 24, Vladimir Putin ordered an offensive against this country of the former Soviet Union. If the “special military operation”, so named on the Russian side, was carried out on the whole of Ukrainian territory at the start of the conflict, it is now concentrated in the south and east of the country. After a meteoric advance in February and March 2022, the conflict has stalled. Ukraine has even managed to regain several territories lost a few months ago.

Thursday, October 20, the Ukrainian military expressed their concern. According to them, the Russian Federation could be at the origin of a new front in the north, on the Belarusian border. This new offensive would, according to specialists, disrupt the delivery of weapons from Western countries. On the other side of the country, to the south, the Russian army is skating. She acknowledged that the situation was “very difficult”. This is why evacuations of civilians have begun. At the moment, 15,000 people have reportedly been moved to the other bank of the Dnieper. Eventually, 50,000 to 60,000 people should be displaced.

Map of the war in Ukraine in real time

About 3000 kilometers from France, difficult to understand everything about the real-time evolution of the conflict. Thus, maps play a major role in allowing the general public to know, at a glance, the day-to-day situation in Ukraine. One in particular provides one of the best daily explanations: the one developed by the institute for the study of waran American study group producing maps and reports on the various conflicts in the world.

The map (to be found below), clear, does not detail the places of the fighting between the Ukrainian and Russian armies, but updates in real time the advance of Russia (red zone), the zones in which Russia claims to have control (yellow), the territories on which Ukraine claimed to have launched a counter-offensive (blue). The black areas correspond to the territories already controlled by the Russians since 2014 (Crimea in the south, part of Donbass in the east).

Other maps on the war in Ukraine

Map in French on the war in Ukraine:

Beyond the Institute for the study of war, many other organizations offer daily or weekly maps on the evolution of the war in Ukraine. This is particularly the case with the French Ministry of Defence, which offers regular situation updates (to be found here). Otherwise, The world offers a weekly follow-up with a menu that changes every week.

On Twitter, the maps and situation reports of the historian and former soldier Michel Goya, who became a columnist for BFMTV, are among the most complete. These documents, based on War Mapper maps, are also available on his blog. Abroad, the sites of the New York Times and the Washington Post, the two leading American media, also offer up-to-date maps.

Foreign maps on the war in Ukraine:

One of the most valuable documents currently available online is the map drawn up by Liveuamap.coman independent Ukrainian platform that compiles and cross-checks information from media sources and social media and allows you to view, in real time or almost, the clashes and strikes that follow one another in the country.

Another interactive map published on MapHub allows to visualize the attacks of Russia and the acts of defense of Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict. The tool, which lists hundreds of events to date, is overseen by the Center for Information Resilience (CIR), an independent UK-based not-for-profit company that is also dedicated to identifying, tackling and exposing influence operations. The CIR aims to “raise awareness of the threat that influence operations, including disinformation, pose to democracy and objective truth, and to help counter them”.

The UK Ministry of Defense also delivers very regular reports on the situation in Ukraine. In addition to the “Intelligence updates” (updates of information on the ground) delivered on his Twitter accountthere are also maps summarizing the day-to-day situation.

On the side of the foreign media, the Kyiv Independenta newspaper from the Ukrainian capital, regularly reports, as does the BBCin the United Kingdom, which also has a page allowing you to follow the fighting in Ukraine, just like the FinancialTimes. So many sources that provide information on the evolution of the war in Ukraine.
