the far-right party VOX invites European ultraconservative parties for Europe Viva 24

the far right party VOX invites European ultraconservative parties for Europe

In Madrid this weekend, part of the European extreme right will meet on the occasion of Europa Viva 24, a sort of convention of ultraconservative populist parties, member groups of the ECR group in the European Parliament, it is i.e. the group of European conservatives and reformists. This event should mark the launch of VOX’s campaign for the European elections.

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The VOX party which organizes this event has therefore seen the big picture with the rental of the Palacio de Vistalegre, a multi-spectacle complex located in Madrid. An emblematic place for VOX since it is there that in 2018, at the start of its rise in the polls, the party brought together nearly 100,000 people.

The guest list is expected to attract supporters with Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister, the Portuguese Andre Ventura, the head of the Chega party and Giorgia Melonithe head of the Italian government who should speak by videoconference and other European political leaders.

The Argentinian President Javier Milei will also be there. It must be said that Santiago Abascal, the president of VOX, is close to the populist president. The presence of Donald Trump, the former American president, is expected, as is that of Amichai Chikli, the Israeli minister of the diaspora and member of Likud.

A show of force a few weeks before the European elections

This event, Europa Viva 24, is in some ways a demonstration of force by the far-right parties which are on the rise in Europe. One month before the election, polls in unison predict rising scores for the radical and nationalist right.

This demonstration organized in Madrid therefore marks the kick-off of the VOX campaign in Spain. The Spanish far-right party, the third political force in the country, is counting on the June 9 election to increase its presence in the European Parliament.

Some 370 million people are called to the polls from June 6 to 9 in the 27 countries of the Union to elect 720 deputies to the European Parliament.

Read alsoEuropean elections under the sign of urgency
