Ukraine is supplied with exactly the kind of arms aid it needs on the battlefield

Ukraine is supplied with exactly the kind of arms aid

Foreign Minister Antony Blinken promised that the United States will announce at the end of the week at the Ramstein arms aid meeting more precise details about what is to be delivered to Ukraine next.

The United States is determined to provide Ukraine with the kind of military aid it needs to survive on the battlefield, says the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken news channel according to CNN (you will switch to another service).

Blinken told about it together with the British Foreign Minister James Cleverly at the press conference he held with in Washington local time on Tuesday.

– While this war has developed, the support given by the United States to Ukraine has also developed. We have made sure that Ukraine has everything it needs to face the war, Blinken said.

Blinken also praised Britain’s decision to send Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine. British Prime Minister Rishi Sun too the chancellery announced the decision last Saturday.

“Ukraine’s allies should increase arms aid”

At the same press conference, British Foreign Minister Cleverly said that Ukraine’s allies must increase the amount of arms aid to Ukraine in order to break the stalemate on the front line. According to him, this prevents the birth of a destructive and prolonged hunger war.

Cleverly was on a visit to the United States on Tuesday.

– We have started to see a slowdown, an ossification on the front, Cleverly said.

Cleverly added that this is why now is the right time to speed up arms aid to Ukraine.

This week, on Friday, a meeting will be held in Ramstein, Germany, to decide on the arms aid to be delivered to Ukraine. Blinken promised that the United States would announce new arms grants at a meeting attended by the Secretary of Defense from the United States Lloyd Austin.

On Tuesday, Blinken did not give details about what the United States might be planning to deliver to Ukraine next.

Sources: Reuters, AFP
