UGL, Capone: “We are running to be the yes-to-nuclear union”

UGL Capone We are running to be the yes to nuclear union

(Finance) – “Our position is obviously in favor of a mix that also includes a significant weight, a significant presence of nuclear power. This is because it is necessary for work, for our businesses. We are the second manufacturing nation in Europe , we need energy and we need independence as part of a nuclear energy development project that makes us independent and is sustainable in economic and ecological terms. As Ugl we are applying to be the yes union in the trade union scenario against those who always say no”. This is what the general secretary of the Ugl, Francesco Paolo Capone commenting – on the sidelines of the meeting “Nuclear in Italy in the energy transition: sustainability and independence”, organized by the Ugl Chimici in the Caduti di Nassiriya room of the Senate – the union’s favorable position on the introduction of nuclear power into the national energy mix.

In the past he has expressed positions against nuclear power. What has changed since then?

“At 20 you dream a lot and you worry less about overall scenarios. As you grow up, obviously, you have to deal with many realities that you didn’t know simply because you were a student and not yet a worker. This in-depth study led me to believe in support this battle which is fundamental for our country if we want to have a future of production and a future of work”.
