Two years after the earthquake which left 54,000 people dead and more than 100,000 injured, the victims are still waiting for answers, convictions, compensation! The slowness of the trials is one thing. But the survivors especially denounce the lack of transparency of the investigations and the very small number of public officials on the accused bench. It is also a question of preventing the same mistakes from repeating in the future. Report of our correspondent in Ankara, Anne Andlauer.
Buycott in the Balkans
It is a movement against expensive life that shakes the Croatia for several weeks and which has started to make oil stain in all Balkans. Buycott is his name that hasn’t finished talking about him. Explanations of Simon Rico.
Read tooOn the front page: “Buycott” campaign, the Balkans unite against expensive life
Ukrainian art finds refuge in Lithuania
On the front line as an ex-Soviet republic. Border with the Russia and regularly threatened by the government Poutine… There Lithuania is also at the forefront of help for theUkraine. The country welcomes more than 70,000 Ukrainian refugees. He also intends to be a sanctuary for works of art and Ukrainian artists. Report to Vilnius de Marielle Vatureau.
Korea, Germany : two division stories
Reunification German. Its successes, its slippages, its economic and political issues … This is not the subject of a conference … But the themes of meetings organized every year the Korean Embassy in Berlin … because For Korea, whose partition dates back over 75, the German example, which dates from just over 35, is rich in lessons … Report in Berlin of Delphine Nerbollier.