Twitter has started to deploy the “PiP” infrastructure on the iOS side

Privacy breach centered around Twitter Circle officially confirmed

Twitter, the latest company owned by Elon Musk, has started to deploy the “PiP” infrastructure on the iOS side, as it has just emerged. started.

Twitter made a lot of noise yesterday when it closed the platform to people who did not log in. Currently, when you access Twitter without logging in, you cannot see any content. Now it turns out that a special step has been taken on the iOS side. The company, which wants to strengthen the video side of the platform, has some users Offers Picture-in-Picture / PiP. “picture in pictureThanks to the feature, which is also referred to as ”, people can open a Twitter account. can switch the video to other applications by making it a small window. In this way, while watching the video you opened on Twitter, for example, you can browse on Safari or Instagram. PiP support, which comes to the iPad side as well as iPhone and offers a nice experience especially on iPads due to the large screen, will most likely be opened to everyone very soon and it is not yet certain, but it is paid. “Twitter Blue” will not require subscription.


Twitter had come to the fore with a big increase before that. Bringing a blue check badge for those who missed it twitter blue subscribers are now on the platform It can publish articles with a length of 25 thousand characters. The company, which has made a significant increase from 10 thousand to 25 thousand here, wants people to share longer articles on Twitter than ever before. This system is especially liked by people who use subscription infrastructure, so there are those who share long articles / news that only subscribers can see. The platform, which took years to go from 140 to 280 before Musk, has changed from 4 thousand to 25 thousand in a very short time after Musk. Before that, a video-oriented increase was made in Blue. Paid Twitter Blue Until recently, its subscribers were able to upload videos of approximately 60 minutes (1080p), with a file size of up to 2 GB, to the platform. This is web only, and the infrastructure, which is now supported in the iOS version, was updated last month. Blue subscribers will now be able to upload videos of approximately 2 hours (1080p) to the platform, with a maximum size of 8 GB.
