Triglycerides: high, low, rate, how to lower them?

Triglycerides high low rate how to lower them

Triglycerides, like cholesterol, are part of lipids (fat). They are stored in body fat. How to lower your triglyceride level when you have too much? What are the standards not to exceed?

Definition: what are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are molecules that are part of the lipid category. The body synthesizes them from the fats absorbed in the intestine. Moreover, the liver can also synthesize them from glucose. They constitute one of main sources of reserve energy for the body. They are mainly stored in adipose tissue, i.e. in body fat. These molecules circulate via the blood in a natural way, but they can be at the origin, in the event of too important quantity, of cardiovascular pathologies due to their possible deposits on the walls of the arteries.

What are medium chain triglycerides?

Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are specific triglycerides characterized by three glycerol hydroxyl groups esterified with medium chain fatty acids. Extracts of palm or copra oil, MCTs are fats that do not require the intervention of bile or pancreatic juices to be absorbed by the intestine. Consequently, these triglycerides constitute an important source of energy which finds a strong application in the medical field, in particular, for rebalancing the nutritional status of subjects who absorb fat poorly.

What are oxidized triglycerides?

The phenomenon of oxidation of triglycerides leads to their degradation and the appearance of a “rancid” flavor which modifies the quality of the oil. The number of uses of the frying baths, the cooking temperature, and the choice of a saturated oil which does not resist well to a high cooking temperature are risk factors for oxidized triglycerides which are bad for health. This is why it is recommended to limit the consumption of fried products which increase the risk of overweight, arterial hypertension and certain cancers (prostate, breast, oropharyngeal).

What is the normal triglyceride level?

The level of blood triglycerides makes it possible to assess the risk of cardiovascular accidents (myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident) and the formation of atheroma plaques, cholesterol plaques which thicken the walls of the arteries and which hinder the proper circulation of blood. blood.

  • In manthe normal level of triglycerides is between 0.5 and 2 mmol/L, i.e. between 0.45 and 1.75 g/l.
  • In the womanit varies between 0.40 and 1.60 mmol/L, i.e. between 0.35 and 1.40 g/l.

Please note that the results vary according to the technique used by each laboratory and also depend on many factors such as gender, age, etc.

Triglycerides are measured in the blood by a blood test, preferably on an empty stomachusually together with cholesterol.

Why are triglycerides low?

A low triglyceride level is not responsible for any particular pathology and is often linked to a diet low in fat, sugar and alcohol. This is sometimes the case in people who are malnourished or suffering from anorexia, for example.

Why are triglycerides too high?

We speak of hypertriglyceridemia when the blood level in men is higher than 2 mmol/L or 1.75 g/L and, in women, higher than 1.60 mmol/L or 1.40 g/l. This anomaly usually occurs as part of a diet that is too high in calories, sugar, fat, or excessive alcohol consumption. Overweight, smoking, diabetes, physical inactivity, taking the pill, certain medications, high blood pressure, stress or even excess weight and the consumption of foods rich in fat represent the main risk factors. hypertriglyceridemia.

  • In case of excess triglycerides, a reduction of fat consumption and cessation of alcohol are advocated.
  • At the same time, weight loss in the event of frequent obesity, regular physical activity and smoking cessation are also essential.
  • If rates are still high despite well-conducted treatment, medications such as fibrates can be used to help decrease their amount.

What is the best anti-triglyceride diet?

It promotes least processed foods possible with the least amount of saturated and trans fatty acids: olive, peanut, soy, sunflower or corn oil. It is also advisable to eat fatty fish at least twice a week: salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and trout for example. Fish oil supplements may be offered. THE high-fat meats and dairy products should be limited, as does the consumption of alcohol, sugar and sugary foods. Certain cooking methods are preferred: baking, poaching, grilling, roasting, cooking on the barbecue.

The consumption of certain plants like green tea, garlic, ginseng, or coriander seeds could have an effect on triglyceride levels, like the consumption of cinnamon or cider vinegar. Can also favor phytosterols (margarine for example) which are fats very little absorbed by the body and which remain in the intestinal lumen before being evacuated in the stool. It often takes several months of change lifestyle to see a reduction in triglyceride levels. It is generally advised to wait four to eight weeks before having another blood test. “If you change your lifestyle for three months and your triglyceride levels continue to be high, your doctor may suggest that you try medication” says Dr. Claire Lewandowski, specializing in general medicine.

Adopting a balanced diet, low in sugars, processed and fried products, practicing regular physical activity, maintaining a normal healthy weight, quitting smoking and consuming alcohol in moderation can reduce the risk of hypertriglyceridemia. In case of hormonal contraception, regular monitoring of the cholesterol balance is necessary and a change of contraception is proposed if the link is made with the increase in triglycerides.
