Transport, school, health… These disruptions to be expected on Friday – L’Express

Transport school health… These disruptions to be expected on Friday

New day of strike this Friday, October 13. Six months after the demonstrations against the pension reform, the inter-union is calling for a mobilization “against austerity, for wages and gender equality”. An initiative which aims to put pressure on the executive, three days before the social conference on low wages which will be held on October 16 at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese) and which will be chaired by Elisabeth Borne.

Increase in salaries and the index point, revaluation of pensions and social minimums, or even better sharing of wealth. For unions, the issues are multiple and crucial. “The national negotiations which will be held, particularly in terms of supplementary pensions and unemployment insurance, in the coming months will be crucial for creating and strengthening the social rights of workers”, insist the eight main unions with one voice in a press release published on August 28.

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Invited to the microphone of Franceinfo this Sunday, the general secretary of the CGT Sophie Binet urged employees to “play Euro demonstration” rather than EuroMillions”. And to add: “We have to stock up on October 13 “. It now remains to be seen whether the appeal has been heard.


In the air sector, “cancellations and delays are to be expected” warned Monday October 9 the General Directorate of Civil Aviation which “invites” travelers to postpone their plane journeys. And for good reason, the DGAC asked companies this Monday to give up 40% of their flight schedule on Friday at Paris-Orly, the second French airport. In Marseille-Provence, only 20% of flights should be canceled, a little more than in Beauvais which should only be affected by 15%.

Very mobilized at the time of the pension reform, the minority union USAC-CGT called on all air traffic controllers to strike. Among the demands is the increase in salary inequalities at the DGAC, and the “dynaming of the public aviation service”.

On the rail side, traffic seems to be less disrupted. This, although three trade union organizations (CGT-Cheminots, Sud-Rail and the CFDT) have announced that they are taking part in the movement. The SNCF, which will reveal its detailed forecasts this Thursday, October 12 around 5 p.m., assured that traffic would be “almost normal” on the high-speed lines. On the other hand, we must expect many disruptions for “certain” Transiliens trains. Particularly “lines C, D, E, H, L, N, R, U”.

Finally, Ile-de-France public transport should run normally, although the CGT has called for a strike, believing that “the latest salary measures have not caught up with inflation”. And to protest against the opening to competition, the spread of which until 2026 was announced at the beginning of July by the president of the Ile-de-France region Valérie Pécresse.


All the unions representing private doctors have called for a renewable strike starting this Friday, October 13 with the aim of “giving a strong signal to the public authorities”.

“All consultation activities, technical acts, are deprogrammed”, “all emergencies will be transferred to the public hospital”, and the guards “arrested”, detailed the president of the Bloc (surgeons’ union) Philippe Cuq for which “the mobilization will go far beyond just unionized doctors” who represent “around 10%” of the total number of 82,000 independent doctors.


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While the parent elections are to be held on October 13 and 14, a call for mobilization was relayed by two majority unions (SNUipp-FSU and SNES-FSU). Parents of nursery and primary school pupils whose teachers are on strike must be notified 48 hours in advance. An obligation which does not apply to secondary and higher education teachers.

School and after-school catering staff were also called to strike.


While salary negotiations are underway in the Energy sector, the CGT – the leading union – has called on employees in the electricity and gas industries to strike from Wednesday evening and all day Thursday. Employees meeting in general meetings can thus decide to reduce electricity production since Wednesday evening at 9 p.m. For the moment, no statement from the union has been made since Wednesday evening.
