Top broker detained after dawn raid

A top broker and CEO has been detained in the Stockholm District Court. The suspicions are about serious business money laundering and bookkeeping offences.
Two more people with connections to the company are suspected of financial crime.

The top broker who has now been arrested on probable cause on suspicion of money laundering is “dazed”, says defense lawyer Behrang Eslami to TV4 Nyheterna.

On Tuesday, the Ecocrime Authority carried out several raids on brokerage offices in Stockholm. In connection with that, materials were seized and, according to Dagens industri, SEK 1.1 million in criminal profits could be secured.

Two more suspects

In addition to the top broker, two more people with connections to the company have been requested to be detained. The crime must have occurred from 2019 onwards. It includes several cases of gross fraud.

Prosecutor Gunnar Wetterqvist tells Dagens industri that it should be about “money laundering, apartments bought by bulvans and conveyed black etcetera.”

Awarded broker

The CEO and broker who was arrested on Friday has won several awards in his brokerage career. The criminal suspects include fraud, money laundering, and accounting violations. The broker was arrested on suspicion of money laundering and accounting offences.

– He naturally denies those suspicions, says the broker’s defense lawyer Behrang Eslami.
