Tomb Raider on France 2: Alicia Vikander’s mind-blowing training to become Lara Croft

Tomb Raider on France 2 Alicia Vikanders mind blowing training to

France 2 is broadcasting the film “Tomb Raider” with Alicia Vikander this Sunday, February 5, 2023. The Swedish actress has undergone impressive training to be credible in the character of Lara Croft.

To become Lara Croft and walk in the footsteps of Angelina Jolie, Alicia Vikander lent herself to impressive training ahead of the filming of “tomb Raider“. The Oscar-winning actress took the place of Angelina Jolie in the role for the reboot of the franchise inspired by the video games of the same name. But to blend into the role of the explorer, Alicia Vikander underwent an extremely training rigorous and impressive. Bodybuilding, running, the daily life of the actress was particularly sporty before the shooting: “No actor I’ve ever worked with has taken on a physical challenge quite like Alicia. [Vikander] was able to do it for Lara Croft”, remembers producer Patrick McCormick.

To disappear behind the heroine of “Tomb Raider”, Alicia Vikander also practiced several sports before filming: climbing, lifting weights or hiking on her days off. She also had to follow a very strict diet to get the body and power of this character who regularly jumps, climbs and runs in the film. The result is impressive: in seven months of training, the actress (who is above all a former dancer) has gained almost 10 kilos of muscle!
