Today, Finland has a chance for up to four medals at the European Athletics Championships! The expert opens the delicious arrangements

Today Finland has a chance for up to four medals

There will be some very exciting moments at the European Athletics Championships on Friday evening, when Topi Raitanen, Viivi Lehikoinen, Kristiina Mäkelä and Senni Salminen will compete in the finals.

Urheilu’s expert Jaakko Ojaniemi’s three picks from the European Athletics Championships. Ojaniemi’s extracts can be read every morning on ‘s website and in the app.

1. There are no clear favorites in Topi Raitanen’s obstacle final

Top Raitanen goes from a tasty situation to the final of the 3,000-meter steeplechase. Raitanen cleared his way to the final by running tactically sensibly and saved his bangs for the final race.

– The game is open, everything is actually possible. An even group and there are no clear favorites. When Jukka Keskisalo ran for European champion in 2006, so even then there were no clear favorites. In principle, Topi also has possibilities for anything, Jaakko Ojaniemi believes.

– Top is best suited to an accelerating speed distribution. It often happens that the first two kilometers are run under observation. With the last ton, we start to accelerate. Of course, you have to go through the phase when solutions are made.

A fiercely fast-paced competition could crumble Raitanen.

– It’s hard to say more precisely about Topi’s condition, but I believe that Topikin will be able to run around 8.15. But if we go at the speed of 8.10, it can be a challenge. Now is the time to strike. I have to hope that the peak of summer fitness has been scheduled for Munich, Ojaniemi thinks.

Men’s 3,000-meter steeplechase final at 10:00 p.m.

Viivi Lehikoinen improved Finland’s record already in the semi-finals.

2. Viivi Lehikoinen is aiming for the medal hunt from the four track

Viivi Lehikoinen was in a convincing mood in the semi-finals of the 400 meter hurdles. Lehikoinen was the third fastest in the semifinals with his Finnish record of 54.50.

– Interesting prospects for the final. Viiv’s semi-final run raised expectations, although of course there were expectations even before that. Femke Bol (Holland) is probably overmatched, hardly anyone can match his speed. But it’s really smooth behind Bol, Ojaniemi anticipates.

Lehikoinen gets a good starting position for the EC finals when he starts on the four course.

– The worst competitors in the medal fight start from the outdoor tracks. Viivi can observe the situation, although he also has to focus on his own running. You usually get more power if you can see when you come to the end of the straight that your competitors are in a good mood.

Even though the going was strong already in the semi-finals, there are still things to improve.

– In my opinion, the run was by no means perfect rhythmically, he switched to a longer step interval quite early. In addition, there was a small adjustment to the fences, Ojaniemi times.

Women’s 400-meter hurdles final at 10:45 p.m.

Senni Salminen and Kristiina Mäkelä were in a relaxed mood after the EC qualification.

3. What will Kristiina Mäkelä and Senni Salminen do in the triple jump final?

Friday night’s third treat is the women’s triple jump final. Kristiina Mäkelä has established his level as an athlete in the finals of prestigious competitions, but the jumps have not been enough for medals so far.

– Mäkelä now has realistic chances for medals. Maybe in the World Cup or Olympic Games, the medal was not quite realistic. But now it can be expected, because the result required for medals hovers around 14.50, Ojaniemi estimates.

– Rain has been predicted for Friday. The rain can mix up the snow, but that can also be seen as an opportunity. If you stay in the rain, the result can easily lose a lot.

From Senni Salmi Ojaniemi is waiting for the best performance of the season.

– Senn’s coach Matti Mononen said that in the finals nothing is guaranteed, but the result is sought perhaps even with a little risk. Now is an opportunity that you should try to take advantage of.

Salmi has had challenges with his technique.

– Especially the last jump has been bumped against. If Senni can continue his jump better, then we will go above 14.50. So there is potential, but easier said than done, Ojaniemi states.

Women’s triple jump final at 21:55.

The European Championship week in Munich can be seen on channels from August 11 to August 21. You can find live broadcasts, highlights, the competition schedule, interesting news and topics on ‘s competition page.
