TLC network, Anie: “Ready to digitize the country. Prerequisite to complete infrastructure by 2026”

TLC network Anie Ready to digitize the country Prerequisite to

(Finance) – Theelectrotechnical and electronic industry – the second largest manufacturing industry in Europe with 76 billion euros in turnover and 500,000 employees in 2021 – is ready to offer “the best technological solutions to target digitization in the construction, transport, energy and industry markets”. To announce it is ANIE in a note.

“The 1,400 companies of ANIE are the expression of the most technologically advanced sectors in our manufacturing, with investments in research and innovation equal to 5% of turnover – recalled the general director of ANIE Maria Antonietta Portaluri Federation on the occasion of the Conference held in Rome at the Cavalieri de ‘Medici hotel in the presence of the Undersecretary of Mise Anna Ascani – and from 2020 the System Integrator Networks Telecommunications (TLC) companies that deal with the construction, maintenance and management have also joined the ANIE Federation of Fixed and Mobile Radio Infrastructures for Telecommunications, which represent an important part of the Tlc supply chain due to their role as technology enablers. The digitization of the country passes through the infrastructure and therefore, it is necessary to hurry to achieve the objectives of the PNRR and it is necessary to address the issue of the gap in qualified human resources with the institutions and operators in order to target the realization of investments in ultra-broadband “.

To present the package of six ANIE proposalsthe president of the System Integrator TLC Group, Luigi Piergiovanni which highlighted how almost 20,000 additional resources are needed to carry out the investments planned by 2026, 40% of which is manpower needed by civilian squads which are the hardest to find. In the package the possibility of reopening migratory flows for the TLC and Metalworking sectorwhich is completed with the proposal to stimulate bilateral agreements with the main non-EU countries supplying labor; refreshments to cope with price increases suffered by the supply chain e indexing of contracts to counteract market volatility; non-repayable loans for the purchase of vehicles and equipment to create ultra-broadband and for the training of newly hired personnel; guarantees on the advance payment of public contracts even if not directly assignees; shorter payment terms and access to forms of demobilization of credits at favorable conditions; and finally the request to the government for one derogation from the Split Payment or Reverse Charge VAT regime for billing for the construction of ultra-broadband and reduction of the IRES / IRAP rate.

“We need extraordinary and temporary measures linked to the development of the PNRR – he said Piergiovanni -, if we consider that 10 percent of the value of the tenders assigned for 5.5 billion euros is just enough to cover the cost of the technical means to carry out the work and that, to date, an excavator takes eight to 10 months of waiting for the supply and as many are needed for a truck. While on the training side, six are needed for a traditional installer, 14 for an Enel installer and between six and eight to train a splicer “.
