This fresh and delicious strawberry dessert will be a sensation before summer

This fresh and delicious strawberry dessert will be a sensation

No, it’s not a strawberry pie! This airy cheesecake made with strawberries and another mystery ingredient will be a hit with your guests.

With spring comes the desire for refreshing desserts. And the star of the season is undoubtedly the strawberry, May and June being the ideal months to enjoy this fragrant and delicate fruit that grows in our gardens. This red fruit is available in numerous recipes, to the delight of sweet tooths, young and old. In tart, in charlotte, in verrine, in tiramisu, combined with other fruits… The combinations are multiple but sometimes too sweet and a little heavy when temperatures rise. Food blogger Emma Geoffroy offers a new way to enjoy strawberries, which will highlight this spring celebrity in a very light way.

This is a strawberry cheesecake which, contrary to what one might imagine, is very airy. Combined with rhubarb, it works wonders. 100 grams of strawberries, 250 grams of rhubarb, biscuits, ginger, sugar, butter, a dozen eggs, cottage cheese, a lemon and cornstarch and a sachet of vanilla sugar… Ready to follow the recipe?

  • We start by making the syrup. Pour 20 centimeters of water, 50 grams of sugar and 2 centimeters of ginger into a saucepan, which you have previously peeled and cut into slices. Cook everything for 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, take out the rhubarb, peel it and cut it into pieces. Add to the pan and cover, cooking again for another 5 to 6 minutes. Remove the ginger and rhubarb, and put them in the refrigerator.
  • Place the strawberries and an additional 30 grams of sugar in the mixture and cook for 15 to 20 minutes to obtain a thick syrup. Filter through a strainer and store this syrup in a cool place.
  • Place for the biscuit. Finely mix 175 grams of dry biscuits. Add 70 grams of melted butter and mix everything. Place the dough in a 26 centimeter mold with a high edge, packing it down well. Add the rhubarb compote and ginger, leaving at least a centimeter of space with the edge. Keep everything cool.
  • Ready to prepare a very airy cheesecake? Clarify the eggs, keeping approximately 3 yolks and 370 grams of whites. Mix the yolks in a salad bowl with 570 grams of 0% white cheese, 120 grams of sugar, the sachet of vanilla sugar, 70 grams of cornstarch and the juice of half a lemon. Then beat the egg whites with 100 grams of sugar. All that remains is to incorporate two tablespoons into your mixture to loosen it, then the rest delicately with a spatula. Finally pour the mixture over the biscuit and your rhubarb and smooth it well.
  • Place in the oven preheated to 240°C. After 10 minutes, open the door to quickly lower the temperature to 150°C. Cook for an additional 50 to 60 minutes. Let cool before unmolding. Sprinkle with icing sugar then place around ten fresh strawberries in the center. Cover the cheesecake with your syrup. It’s ready !

To develop the recipe for this strawberry-rhubarb cheesecake, Emma Geoffroy was inspired by the Mazaltov cake from Meilleur Ouvrier de France Jean-Paul Hévin as well as the Alsatian fromage blanc tart. “At my house, it was literally a hit! Even the teenagers, who had said they didn’t like rhubarb, asked for more!” she assured Current wife to whom she suggested this recipe.
