TIM, Santagata: “At work to build a solid foundation of Italian cybersecurity”

TIM Santagata At work to build a solid foundation of

(Finance) – “In Italy we have many skills, many young people who we are trying to keep with us to prevent them from going to make other people’s fortunes. However, there are few young people and, I would say few, those professional figures we need who know materially design and write a source code that is the basis of a proprietary security technology. Today, out of about 3,100 companies surveyed, only a part – as the data in our Paper illustrated today shows – owns technologies in-house. It is a growing trend, however, being this type of audience made up of small players, Tim above all, precisely because of the enormous customer base, can act as an engine to try to create a system, to create synergies, to support the growth of these subjects who are still too small to build the our digital industrial base and, in particular, the security of tomorrow”. That’s what he said Eugenio Santagata, chief Public Affairs and Security officer of TIM and CEO of Telsy, on the sidelines of the presentation – held today in Rome during the event that awarded the best innovative solutions in the cyber field – of “Cybersecurity Made in Italy” white paper prepared by the TIM Study Centre.

Why is it important to have proprietary technologies certified and managed internally within the national perimeter?

“It is important to have proprietary technologies because having full governance and control of what you can do at home means fully implementing a so-called ‘Zero Trust’ security paradigm: if I know how technology is made and it has no secrets for me, I can time to sell it to others who can’t afford to have technologies they don’t trust. That’s the basic concept behind this type of strategy.”

What is the Tim group doing to address the challenges posed by Cyber ​​Security?

“The Tim group in particular with that area we call Tim Enterprise – made up of Tim’s men and women who today deal with the market of the top 35,000 large Italian companies and the Public Administration – is the largest in-house ICT in the country Internally, it combines skills such as advanced connectivity, ICT, IOT, the Cloud and Cyber ​​Security and there is no subject in Italy today that can boast such vertical skills internally. This is a huge asset that we are enhancing in Tim, we are making it emerge, we are making sure that it is seen and perceived on the market and we are putting it into the system. Digital security is an important leg of this new home that we are building to offer business customers and government an integrated offer that did not exist before. In fact, there is an increasing need for an end-to-end solution that allows us to take care of the customer at 360 degrees”.
