TikTok ban expands in the European Union! You will be prompted to delete the app

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The European Council took a similar decision after the European Union (EU) institutions, the EU Commission, banned the Chinese social media platform TikTok on the grounds of security concerns for its employees.

EU Council officials reported that they will start removing the TikTok application from corporate devices. It was also stated that the European Council will ask employees to delete the application from their personal devices that they connect to corporate networks. It was noted that the Council will continue to keep the cyber security measures up to date in close cooperation with other EU institutions.


First of all, the EU Commission asked the EU institutions to remove the TikTok application from their employees’ private and corporate phones. The European Parliament is expected to take a similar measure.

TikTok, owned by the Chinese technology firm, causes national security concerns in some countries. In the USA, the use of TikTok was prohibited on devices used for official service. (AA)
