Thousands of people could be deprived of help because of this new rule

Thousands of people could be deprived of help because of

Already in difficulty, some people of modest means could see their income drop.

It was a revolution that took place at the beginning of the year, confirming a paradigm shift. After the sumptuous period of “whatever it takes”, the time has now come to tighten the screws on public finances. No more opening of aid valves. From now on, people eligible for financial support from the State will be able to benefit from it little by little. The rules are tightening in several sectors, notably unemployment.

Around 1 million people are affected by the new regulations which came into force on 1er last January. The text tightens the conditions for payment of unemployment benefits and could have a significant impact on the finances of tens of thousands of people.

From now on, the rules are very clear: refusals of permanent contracts could result in the end of unemployment payments to the beneficiary. The new conditions put in place by the government detail the two very specific cases in which the recipient would no longer receive their rights:

  • When, after fixed-term contract, the employee refuses two permanent contracts for a similar position, with equivalent salary and working time, within one year after the end of his fixed-term contract;
  • When, after a temporary assignment, a worker refuses two permanent contracts for a similar position, with equivalent salary and working time, within one year after the end of his last temporary assignment.

Thus, if two positions are offered to you with similar missions but much less paid, you can always refuse them without losing your compensation. Likewise if the two jobs are located further away than the former workplace, or if the permanent contracts are part-time for example. Furthermore, refusing two fixed-term contract proposals similar to your last fixed-term contract does not result in the end of compensation either. This only applies in the case where two CDIs strictly identical to the last CDD are refused.

France Travail, the new name of Pôle emploi, will be able to monitor the contract refusals of an unemployed person because employers are now obliged to inform the organization of the job seeker’s decisions. Via a platform, they will indicate all the employment conditions proposed to the unemployed person and whether or not they have accepted the proposal. It is from the elements concentrated in this new file that the decision will be taken to maintain or eliminate unemployment benefit for the unemployed person.

According to INSEE, around 1 million people are unemployed due to the end of a fixed-term contract. However, generally speaking – all causes of unemployment combined – 70% of unemployed people find a job in less than a year.
