This symptom is very common: the most dangerous species to cause death! Detect lung cancer early

This symptom is very common the most dangerous species to

Cancer is among the most common diseases in our age. Lung cancer, one of the most dangerous types of cancer, can be seen in both women and men. Smoking greatly increases the risk of developing lung cancer. In order to prevent lung cancer, which is in the first place in cancer-related deaths, it is necessary to stay away from smoking. The symptoms of lung cancer are confused with everyday ailments. It is important to notice these symptoms early and consult a doctor in the treatment of cancer.


Cough, which is one of the first symptoms of lung cancer, is often neglected because it is thought to be due to other causes. However, persistent cough lasting more than two weeks, increasing gradually and the cause of which cannot be determined, is the main indicator of lung cancer. In addition, the presence of blood in the sputum or the dark brown color of the sputum are also known as important symptoms in lung cancer.


Again, chest pain, which can be caused by many reasons, is actually among the main symptoms of lung cancer. If chest pain increases when breathing deeply, coughing or laughing, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.


Respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and wheezing can occur at all stages of lung cancer. Shortness of breath, which is an important indicator of insidious lung cancer, is not taken seriously. While elderly and overweight people attribute their shortness of breath to their age, young people state that they neglect to go to the doctor due to the intensity of their work. However, it should not be forgotten that early diagnosis is of vital importance in lung cancer.


Especially active smokers should consult a doctor if they have anorexia. Unexplained weight loss should not be neglected, as it is among the important symptoms of lung cancer.

Hoarseness and Difficulty in Swallowing

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Hoarseness and difficulty in swallowing, which are one of the symptoms of lung cancer, can be caused by many reasons, just like other symptoms. On the other hand, it is necessary to see a doctor in hoarseness that develops without a situation such as a cold. For diagnosis, the person’s complaints, history and examination findings are very important.


The slow and painless development of clubbing, which is caused by the swelling and rounding of the soft tissue at the tips of the fingers and toes, shows that it is caused by causes other than lung cancer. However, rapid and painful occurrence is among the symptoms of lung cancer.


While complaints of back and shoulder pain are frequently encountered in our country, desk workers may evaluate this as a problem mostly caused by poor posture and working at the computer for long hours. However, in case of spread of lung cancer, back pain, shoulder pain, scapula pain, arm, leg pain or severe headache if it has spread to the brain are important symptoms. Enlargement of the glands on the neck and above the collarbone indicates lung cancer in particular.


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  • Avoiding cancer-causing substances such as cigarettes and alcohol
  • Thinking positively and avoiding stress
  • avoiding radiation
  • Tar, gasoline, dyestuffs, asbestos, etc. taking care not to inhale substances
  • stay away from air pollution
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
