This shade of nail polish boosts morale – it will be perfect for winter

This shade of nail polish boosts morale it will

If the latest TikTok trend is to be believed, the nail polish color you choose can play a role in your self-confidence. Explanations.

After the theory of red nails to collect compliments which invaded TikTok last year, it’s the turn of black nails to get people talking. The reason ? They would allow you to gain self-confidence. And if we believe the 2.3 million views generated by the hashtag #blacknailtheory, this trend could well be confirmed…

What is “black nail theory”?

According to the TikTok application, the raven manicure is no longer reserved for Halloween but can be worn all year round to boost self-confidence. Indeed, according to the “black nail theory”, which is not based on any scientific or sociological source, it would be enough to paint your nails black to observe a change in a person’s aura. In addition to bringing a touch of sobriety and elegance, this dark shade would reflect confidence, sensuality and mystery ! The user @rashayyashartv explains in one of her videos that black nails “promote self-confidence, make you appear courageous, bold and leave a hint of mystery in you“So many reasons that make us want to adopt this manicure, whether it’s a total look, shiny or matte, nail art or even French.

Tell me what nail polish you’re wearing, I’ll tell you who you are

It’s not just black that has a deeper meaning… Other shades of varnish unconsciously influence our behavior. For example, theorangejust like yellow and other flashy colors, has the power to bring more dynamism to the person who wears it. On the other side, blue would promote creativity while green would have a calming and comforting power. White, the color of purity, harmony and innocence, should be adopted when looking for a little more balance in life.
