This refreshing herb is one you should put on your plate when it’s hot

This refreshing herb is one you should put on your

Besides the taste they give to dishes, what are the benefits of aromatic herbs, especially when they are fresh? Dietitian Véronique Liégeois answers us.

Often, aromatic herbs are perceived as simple flavoring agents. They give taste, color,… But not only that! Véronique Liégeois, liberal dietician and Chinese medicine enthusiast, recalls that they do more than that. In ” Ten minutes a day to feel good thanks to Chinese medicine “, she returns in particular to the benefits of fresh herbs, which in addition to helping to revive the appetite and diversify taste palettes, can have a real impact on health.

On the same subject

Full of antioxidants

She recalls that “ fresh herbs are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, antioxidants that protect the body’s cells and fight against aging. These properties are present in all aromatic herbs, which makes them ideal allies for health. “.

Each type of aromatic herb also provides substances specific to its species, offering a diversity of benefits. The dietician emphasizes that there is no plant better than the others, and that the key lies in variety of consumption and regularity. To fully benefit from these benefits, it is essential to consume them in significant quantities every day. In addition to their nutritional benefits, most aromatic herbs have antibacterial properties, helping to strengthen the immune system. In short, Véronique Liégeois reminds us that aromatic herbs are not simply condiments to enhance our dishes. She quotes:

Thyme : With its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, thyme is an asset for respiratory health. It can relieve sore throats, stuffy noses and respiratory tract conditions.

Rosemary : This Mediterranean herb cleanses the liver and stimulates the gallbladder. Used in cooking, even in small quantities, it promotes detoxification.

Coriander : It aids digestion and has antispasmodic properties, making it beneficial for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems.

Parsley: Rich in vitamin C, parsley can help maintain cardiovascular health by improving blood circulation. It is best consumed fresh and immediately after cutting to get the most out of its vitamin C content.

The Basilic : In addition to its digestive benefits, basil is a valuable source of antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Mint : Refreshing, mint is an ideal choice for hot days. It can help with digestion and relieve stomach cramps.

Dill: This aromatic herb is effective against bloating and gas, in addition to preventing colon contractions.

Chervil: Extremely rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, chervil is an ally for blood and cardiovascular health.

Thanks to Véronique Liégeois, dietitian
