This MCU cracker is getting one of the most bizarre sequels ever

This MCU cracker is getting one of the most bizarre

With Guardians of the Galaxy, we’ve entered a whole new corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While it was mostly adventures that mostly take place on earth, director James Gunn took us into the endless expanses of spacebefore Star-Lord and Co. met the Avengers in the course of Infinity War.

The Guardians’ next appearance is just around the corner: In Thor 4: Love and Thunder, the chaotic squad will pay a visit to Marvel’s Thunder God. It doesn’t end at this point. In addition to the grand finale, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, we have one coming later this year unusual sequel.

  • Today on TV: Guardians of the Galaxy airs tonight at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben. The repeat will follow next Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Alternatively, you can stream the film on Disney+.
  • Holiday Special: Guardians of the Galaxy returns to Disney+ for Christmas 2022

    Before the third part hits theaters in summer 2023, the Guardians are coming together on Disney+ in December this year. The reason for this is the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, which was announced at Disney Investor Day two years ago and is now finally within reach.

    Watch the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer here:

    Guardians of the Galaxy – Trailer (German) HD

    The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special was written and directed by Gunn. Filming took place in parallel with the production of Guardians of the Galaxy 3. We can look forward to seeing the core team of the series again:

    There has never been a holiday special in the MCU. Gunn is breaking new ground for the franchise and we’re very excited about the outcome. Last but not least, another major franchise with a similar project for one and a half extremely fascinating hours taken care of. Of course we are talking about the Star Wars Holiday Special.

    Given the cheeky tone of the Guardians of the Galaxy films and Gunn’s work to date, it’s entirely possible that the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special even references its Star Wars counterpart. At the latest in December 2022 we’ll find out what Gunn and company have planned for the celebrations.

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    What do you expect from the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special?
