Need to expend as many of your calories as possible? Here is the perfect exercise to do.
As always, finding the time to do the exercises is not always easy when you have a busy schedule. But there is also a second problem: finding the right exercise, which will allow you to perfectly achieve and accomplish the goal you have set for yourself.
For example, if you want to lose as many calories as possible and lose weight, a simple exercise meets all or most of the criteria. Be careful of course, each body reacts differently and what works for one may take longer or work poorly for another.
The exercise in question is burpees. An all-in-one bodybuilding exercise that works all your muscles at once, saving you time and efficiency. This exercise is extremely popular among athletes, because it allows you to strengthen the entire body and use several muscle groups: the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves for the legs, but also the abdominals, lumbar, pectorals and triceps for the trunk and arms.

You can do it in several stages, but be aware that if you do the exercise all at once, it has another advantage since it allows you to work on your cardio, strength, endurance and coordination of movements.
But be careful, for it to be effective, you have to apply yourself because you risk injury in the event of a wrong movement. Here are the exact movements to perform:
- To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed.
- Then bend your knees to perform a squat
- Then place your hands on the ground before jumping lightly to send your feet back into a plank position.
- Contract your abs well so that your body is aligned and your back is straight
- Bring your feet forward in a small jump then return to a squat position
- Perform a vertical jump by raising your arms in the air
- Prepare to perform burpees in a squat position
If you consider yourself a beginner, you can do burpees without jumping when getting up.