This is how to eat cherries without gaining weight (dietitian tip)

This is how to eat cherries without gaining weight dietitian

Cherry has a reputation for making you fat because of its sugar content.

With the arrival of good weather, many decide to monitor their weight to achieve the goal of “summer body” to the beach. This motivation comes through good resolutions on food. Gold “There are a lot of preconceived ideas in this area. immediately informs Ysaline Benakli, dietician-nutritionist. The cherry, which is starting to appear on the shelves, is no exception. “It is a fruit very appreciated for its good sweet and fruity taste. Subconsciously, we can easily deduce “it’s so good that it must be bad for the line.e?” ” asks the dietician-nutritionist. So, we often hear that you should not eat more than 4-5 to avoid gaining weight. What is it really?

Made up of 86% water, cherries have several health benefits. “Our body has daily needs for carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Cherries, like many other fruits, will help meet these needs” explains Ysaline Benakli. The fruit is rich in fiber, promoting good intestinal transit. It also contains vitamin C which reduces fatigue and vitamin B9 which improves cell renewal. Its potassium and beta-carotenes will contribute to the maintenance of the immune system and the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems.

So no reason to deprive yourself of it? Even when you pay attention to your figure? “No” answers Ysaline Benakli. “The average fruit contains 59 kilocalories per 100 grams. Cherries have 56 kilocalories per 100 grams. So we’re quite average.” The idea of ​​a “high-calorie” fruit to avoid when you want to lose weight is therefore false. Generally “There is nothing too bad or too high in calories in a diet, it’s all a question of balance and quantity. No food should be demonized even if there is a weight loss objective” clarifies the specialist. “If we don’t consume astronomical quantities repeatedly, there is no problem.” That’s to say ?

According to our interlocutor, you can eat a portion of cherries per day without risk for your figure, which corresponds to a handful. Obviously, we favor seasonal cherries, which are much better for the body. “We vary with another fruit to obtain the recommended second serving of fruit per day and diversify the nutrients” she advises finally.

Thanks to Ysaline Benakli, dietitian-nutritionist and author of the book “I eat balanced without depriving myself!” published by Marabout.
