This flagship food of fall is the perfect anti-aging agent. And it’s science that says it!

This flagship food of fall is the perfect anti aging agent

Thanks to its varied vegetables, autumn brings color to our plates. Among them is a major ally against skin aging. As tasty as it is rejuvenating, discover the ingredient to favor this season.

The scientists have decided! Thanks to its content of antioxidants and essential nutrients, this fall food could be the key to supple and glowing skin. This comes in several varieties and activates its anti-aging power when ingested, but also applied directly to the skin. What is it? You will be surprised.

What is this autumn ingredient with anti-aging properties?

What if the most effective beauty active ingredients were found in nature? This is what science seems to tell us after analyzing a food, tasted in the fall, revealing astonishing restorative properties. Each species has its specificity, this is the mushroom. Rich in selenium, vitamin B and C, when cooked and consumed, the mushroom neutralizes free radicals, responsible for skin aging. The copper it contains stimulates the production of collagen, essential for maintaining firm and plump skin, while the potassium maintains cellular hydration for soft and supple skin. Two varieties, straight from Asia, would be particularly appreciated: tremelle and shiitake. These two mushrooms would be known to smooth the skin texture, fade redness and pigment spots. Another species adored for its anti-aging powers: the button mushroom. The latter contains glycogen, which is found nowhere else in the plant sphere, except in algae. Glycogen promotes even skin tone and the maintenance of smoother skin. You will have understood, give pride of place to mushrooms for your autumn recipes.

A food that slips into your cosmetics

In addition to its consumption on the plate, the beauty industry quickly took advantage of the mushroom for the formulation of its cosmetics. Nicknamed the “mushroom of immortality”, Reishi is seen as a miracle ingredient in Korea, China and Japan. This species is today the subject of more than 2000 scientific publications and thus benefits several beauty brands. Day cream, night cream, radiance stimulator, revitalizing lotion… Reishi is used in restorative treatments. It allows the skin to regain radiance and tone thanks to its impressive antioxidant content. Siberian chaga is also said to be a miracle mushroom. This makes up various beauty creams, but can also be drunk. The phenol it contains is a super ally for the skin which helps it to strengthen and strengthen it, she can then age healthily. Enough to shake up our beauty routine!
