Tired of having to take a break and catch your breath regularly? This exercise is for you and it’s also enjoyable.
Often short of breath after an effort or even a simple daily task, such as climbing stairs, shopping, cleaning… Many French people are affected and the reason is simple: this is notably linked to a lack of cardio. In other words, training the heart to exercise.
To be able to improve it, a physical practice is almost essential. It is one of the only ones that really allows you to find the rhythm. But be careful, it is not just any practice. This exercise, called “longe-côte”, is the best according to this expert. In full swing, it combines the benefits of walking by the sea with a complete workout for cardio and muscles. Ideal when you don’t want to lock yourself in a room.

The longe-côte originally came from a rowing coach in the Dunkirk region, Thomas Wallyn, “who was looking for a way to train and strengthen his team’s muscles in the off-season, while staying as close as possible to the water“, as the expert indicates. In 2010, the practice was officially recognized by the French Hiking Federation (FFRandonnée) and spread to other regions. A few years later, coastal walking was even recognized as a discipline in its own right by the International Swimming Federation (FINA).
Its practice is simple, you have to be in the water with a water height between the pelvis and the coast while taking large steps accompanied by large opposing arm movements.
“With the coolness of the water, vasoconstriction (reduction in the diameter of blood vessels to redirect blood to vital organs) takes place,” explains the coach. Another advantage: “this sport is also beneficial for overweight people because by being submerged, they feel less of the mass of their body.” The secret is that walking in water burns more calories than walking on dry land, due to the resistance of the water. Shore walking also allows muscle strengthening and a feeling of well-being with the massage provided by the water during our walk. Not to mention, of course, the setting and the pleasant sensations it will provide.