They never give these foods to their children, these pediatricians agree to tell everything

They never give these foods to their children these pediatricians

In raising children, there is the teaching of rules and limits. You have to know how to say no. Here’s what experts never give their own children.

Being a good parent is something you learn every day. Among the conflict situations that often arise in many homes are mealtimes. “Don’t leave the table!”, “behave properly!”, “put on your napkin”, “watch your knife”, “you’ve eaten enough fries”… At the table, in front of the plates, There is no shortage of opportunities to teach children what is forbidden.

Are desserts and snacks conflicting at your house? Is your child making a scene for candy or Nutella toast? Rest assured, all parents go through this and for many it is quite common. But it remains to be seen whether, in these family situations, we must be strict or provide a little flexibility to avoid unpleasant anger.

Being too rigid only ever brings frustration and even a breakup between parents and children. But there are still things to absolutely avoid. Taking the advice of specialists or other parents is always good. But when parents are specialists themselves, the advice is even more valuable. Several pediatricians who are also parents recently told the Huffington Post what they never give to their offspring. Here is the list of foods affected:

1. Hard candy. Professor Christina Johns explains to the newspaper that while she tolerates some deviations, hard candies are completely absent in her home. This specialist prefers never to have any at home.

2. Highly processed foods. Candice Jones, for her part, says she avoids giving her children foods that are highly processed by industry, such as Bolognese sauces, slices of meat sold in industrial plastic containers, or freeze-dried noodles, which are too fatty or salty. .

3. Energy drinks. Professor Yami Cazorla-Lancaster warns against energy drinks, due to the caffeine overdose. This is a product not suitable for children.

4. Certain fish. More surprisingly, fish such as mackerel, marlin, swordfish, tuna, and others are avoided by professor Elizabeth Davis, who prefers not to give them to younger children. The cause: they are rich in mercury.

5. Fruit juices and sodas. Professor Jennifer Trachtenberg says she never serves juice to her children because of its high content of concentrated sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Instead, she encourages water and fiber-rich fruits.

6. Unpasteurized dairy products Elizabeth Davis, for her part, does not allow her children to consume unpasteurized dairy products: this is also an official recommendation in France for children under 5 years old, even if few people do so. know.

Of course, parents can’t completely prevent their children from tasting foods that we would like to never see on their plate. Occasional exceptions, such as at a birthday party, are no big deal. The important thing is that the eating routine put in place is the right one.
