They fall after a large arms seizure in Södertälje

Bomb material, 38 weapons and over 50 kilos of narcotics.
Last spring, the police made a record-breaking seizure in Södertälje – linked to the Foxtrot network.
Now three people are sentenced to long prison terms.

It was on April 25 that the police raided a garage in Södertälje, which the prosecutor believes was the Foxtrot network’s weapons and drug hideout. In the raid, explosive substances were found which are said to have been used to make bombs.

Now two men and one woman are sentenced to prison.

The longest sentence, nine years, is given to a 28-year-old man who is convicted of particularly serious weapons offences, particularly serious drug offences, and breaches of the Act on Flammable and Explosive Goods, a serious offence. The man is acquitted of charges of preparation for public destruction. The 28-year-old is also expelled.

Picture from the police record seizure.

Image from the police’s record seizure. Photo: The police’s preliminary investigation

A 47-year-old man is sentenced for his involvement in drug handling in the villa garage and a 26-year-old woman is sentenced for having transported a large amount of narcotics and explosive goods.

The 47-year-old man is sentenced to prison for six years and six months and the 26-year-old woman to prison for five years and six months.

The Foxtrot network is led by Rawa “Kurdish fox” Majid who is in custody in his absence for a number of crimes. He is believed to be abroad.

The drug and the war

The gang war around Rawa Majid, the “Kurdish Fox”, is raging. Children kill and are killed. TV4 News tells the story of the crimes and innocent victims.
