These things will determine whether the Ukrainian counterattack will succeed

These things will determine whether the Ukrainian counterattack will succeed

The resources of the Russians have decreased, assesses lieutenant colonel Simo Pesu from the National Defense University.

Russian resources are now on the wane, and that gives Ukraine the opportunity to launch a counterattack. This is how the lieutenant colonel assessed Simo Pesu From the National Defense University.

In order for the attack to be successful, the exact target, time and force of the attack must remain a surprise.

– The attack is successful when it is carried out in an empty and weak space. If it is carried out against the defense, then the attack consumes resources and the probability of its failure increases, says Pesu.

According to Pesu, Ukraine must first bind Russian forces in eastern or southern Ukraine. After that, it must concentrate its forces in a certain direction faster than the Russians and take advantage of the space.

– This has been the main concern of the Ukrainian staff for the past few months.

Ukraine has long been expected to launch its counteroffensive on the eastern front. According to Pesu’s estimate, visible signs of the attack will be seen by summer.

Read more: The backwater phase of the war in Ukraine, which has been going on since November, is over, says the researcher: “The rounds in the war are getting tougher”

To the outside, the attack does not appear as one big battle, but as an increase in the intensity of the war. For example, the parties report more and more losses, the use of fire or the occupation of territories.

– The question now is how Ukraine will find the point where it will achieve superiority. It is a necessary thing for the attack, says Pesu.

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