Therefore, you should never throw flowers in the food waste

Therefore you should never throw flowers in the food waste

Spring is here and many have decorated and decorated their homes with bright colors and flowers. Regardless of whether you are planning outdoor flowers or have purchased cut flowers to place in a vase indoors, it is important that you dispose of trash and old flowers properly.

And an important detail that many people don’t know is that you can’t throw it in the food waste bag, according to Stockholm’s water and waste.

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You must not throw this in the food waste

There are several things if you are not allowed to throw away the food waste. Here are some things you may not have known you shouldn’t throw in the food waste:

  • Diapers and sanitary products
  • Dust
  • Ice cream and chopsticks
  • Snuff
  • Soil, potted plants and cut flowers
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    Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TTThat’s why you mustn’t throw flowers in the food waste

    The food waste is reused to become biogas and biofertilizer and therefore it is important that you do not throw away soil and cut flowers in the food waste bag.

    If you throw soil in the food waste, the digestion process deteriorates and cut flowers are often heavily sprayed with poisons that should not go out in the fields, writes Stockholm’s water and waste on its website

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    How to dispose of soil and flowers correctly

    How to dispose of soil and cut flowers? Yes, it should be thrown away as residual waste, writes NSR. Residual waste, also called household waste, is waste that is combustible and cannot be recycled, reused and is not classified as hazardous.

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