There was an attack with a machete in Oslo – five injured

Five people were injured, one of them seriously, when a man attacked with a machete in Oslo on Saturday night, Norwegian media reports.

Four of the injured are security guards. The guards intervened during the attack, resulting in injuries to the upper body.

– It is a security guard who is said to have been seriously injured in the upper body. The person has been taken to hospital. Others are taken care of by health personnel on site, says police officer Line Skott to the newspaper VG.

Known to the police

The incident must have taken place in connection with a night club. The police have arrested a suspected perpetrator, who was also injured in the commotion.

According to VG, the arrested person is already known to the police. The perpetrator may have had a relationship with one of the injured, according to the police.

No act of pride

During the weekend, the Pride festival ends in Oslo. After last year’s fatal shooting at a bar in which two people were killed, there has been concern about new acts of violence.

– With the information we currently have, there is nothing to indicate that this has anything to do with the pride celebration, Skott tells the newspaper NRK.

The attack should also have nothing to do with an earlier knife threat in the Fagerborg district that was reported earlier in the evening.
