Judgments against climate activists are appealed to the Supreme Court

Judgments against climate activists are appealed to the Supreme Court



full screen The Attorney General appeals the Court of Appeal judgment to the Supreme Court. Archive image. Photo: Magnus Andersson/TT

Climate activists who blocked E4 in 2022 were convicted of sabotage and disobedience to the authority of law and order in the district court – but were then acquitted of sabotage by the Court of Appeal.

Now the Attorney General is appealing the Court of Appeal judgment to the Supreme Court and wants the persons, a total of eleven, to be sentenced also for sabotage, the Public Prosecutor’s Office states in a press release.

“It was a matter of a complete stop for 20 minutes and then long consequential delays. In addition, an ambulance was delayed during an emergency with a patient who needed emergency medical care,” says Attorney General Katarina Johansson Welin in the press release.

According to the Attorney General, clarification is needed regarding how prosecutions for sabotage are to be assessed.

“There is a need for clarification on which circumstances must be taken into account when testing what constitutes a serious disturbance or obstacle in these cases,” she states further.
