Then you can get a tax hit on your pension

Then you can get a tax hit on your pension

Are you planning to retire in 2024? The transition between working life and retirement entails, among other things, changes when it comes to income.

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The pension miss you should avoid

Like the earned income, the pension is also taxable, which means that you pay tax based on the tax table that applies where you are registered. The tax rate in your tax table is calculated from your municipal tax and county council tax, but also funeral tax and any fee to the Church of Sweden or another religious community.

But could there be any risks when it comes to taxing the pension?

According to Nordnet Bank’s savings economist Frida Bratt are there any important things you should consider when it’s time to transition from work to retirement life so you don’t end up stuck with Tax Agency.

– Everyone who receives a pension from many different sources risks that too little tax is deducted and if you are newly retired you may not yet have a full grasp of everything, she says to Newis called24 and adds:

– The various actors who pay out money only take into account the pension payment made from that particular company and base the tax calculation on that, without taking into account the total pension income.

Savings economist Frida Bratt believes that all pensioners can risk that too little tax is deducted from the pension. But there are ways to preempt a possible tax mess. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

New tax rule: This way you get SEK 1,800 more a month in pension

This is how you avoid the tax miss in your pension

The pension companies cannot see the whole of your pension payments, if you were to receive it from several actors, but only you as a pensioner have access to the overall overview.

Instead of risking too little tax being deducted from your pension, it is important to be aware of the individual responsibility, says Bratt.

– A good way is to get an overview of the overall picture, from where you get the pension and how much. Then you can also calculate the preliminary tax. Either you can adjust with the Swedish Tax Agency, so that too little tax is deducted, or you contact the operator responsible for the majority of your pension payments and ask them to deduct more tax, she explains.

Pensioner? Here are the part-time jobs that will give you extra money

Here you can read more news about the pension:

The details make the difference: This is how you can get a hundred Swedish kroner more in your pension every month

The big pension change: So you can get SEK 500 more a month – for life

Therefore, men have SEK 7,300 more in pensions – every month: “Equalized”
