The world was worried! Critical decision came: ‘We recognize it as genocide’

The world was worried Critical decision came We recognize it

The violence perpetrated by the Myanmar army against Muslims in Myanmar’s Arakan state has been followed with concern by the world for years. A critical statement came from the USA regarding the persecution, which is also frequently brought up by human rights organizations.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the Myanmar army recognizes the crimes committed against Rohingya Muslims as “genocide”.

The violence suffered by Rohingya Muslims was previously recognized as ‘genocide’ by the United Nations.


In 2012, clashes broke out between Buddhists and Muslims in Myanmar’s Arakan state, thousands of people, mostly Muslims, were killed, and hundreds of homes and businesses were set on fire.

Citing the simultaneous attacks on the border posts in Arakan on August 25, 2017, the Myanmar army and Buddhist nationalists launched mass violence.

According to the UN, after August 2017, the number of people who fled the oppression and persecution in Arakan and took refuge in Bangladesh has exceeded 900 thousand.

International human rights organizations proved that hundreds of villages were destroyed with the satellite images they published.

The UN and international human rights organizations refer to violence against Rohingya as “ethnic cleansing” or “genocide”. (AA)
