The world is talking about this young man! died twice

The world is talking about this young man died twice

What happened to 20-year-old football player Brooklyn Peakman made a worldwide impact. Peakman, who played for Prestatyn Town in North Wales, has died twice. So how did this happen? You will be astonished when you read his story, which is difficult but clinging to life with all his might…


According to the news of the British newspaper Mirror; Brooklyn Peakman died twice during the 19-hour operation for a heart condition and fell into a coma.

Peakman suffered a stroke that left him technically dead for exactly 17 minutes, and was in a coma after his surgery went wrong.

The talented goalkeeper’s family was told that his recovery was unlikely. But a great miracle happened and he came out of a coma on Christmas. But he was warned that he needed an urgent heart transplant.


The struggle of the football player, who needed an organ transplant after he “died” twice during heart surgery, actually started the moment he was born. She had a heart condition at birth and had two surgeries within a day of her birth. The two main blood vessels of Peakman’s heart were in opposite directions, causing his blood to flow in the wrong direction.

Before he had a new organ, two surgeries that would have saved the young man’s life were cancelled. The first was canceled with young Brooklyn’s chest open. In the second, the doctors found the matching of the donor organ insufficient. But after the cancellations, success was achieved. Brooklyn finally had a successful operation. Peakman named his new organ “Paddy”.

He took action, saying “my new heart maybe won’t like”!

The young person had a great happiness before the organ transplant. He proposed to his 18-year-old girlfriend, Ellie Spencer, whom he met at school. “She smiled when I said yes, I think that put her at ease. She was pretty worried after coming this close to death,” said Ellie, who lived with Brooklyn and her mother Kelly during quarantine. He described those moments.

Peakman, who is trying to continue her struggle for life, said that after they said that she needed a new heart, she told Ellie that it would be better for them to get engaged in case her new heart does not love her.


His surgery meant that Brooklyn would never be able to play football again. But he does not give up his passion for football. He still has ambitions to become a coach. Saying that he has a new heart, the young Peakman offered a preview of what he would do in his new life, saying, “This means I can do many things that I couldn’t do before my operation.”
