The winner of the funny animal pictures is being searched again – see a selection of this year’s finalists

The winner of the funny animal pictures is being searched

You can’t look at the shots of the international photo contest without smiling. Among the finalists is also a photo taken by Finnish Matti Rauvala of a monkey wondering about fake news.

The monkey looks like he’s reading something really interesting in a magazine. That’s why Rovaniemi Matti Rauvala has given his picture the name Fake news (fake news in Finnish).

Rauvala’s shot has made it to the 40 finalists in the international Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023 competition, where the funniest animal photo of the year is sought. We selected some of the finalists for this story, you can find them all on the competition’s websitewhere you can also vote for your favorite.

Videos have also entered the contest, but you can’t vote for them.
