The voters of Mélenchon, a crucial pool of votes for the two presidential candidates

The voters of Melenchon a crucial pool of votes for

In France, the debate between two rounds of the presidential election takes place this evening. The outgoing president has a slight advantage over his far-right rival, according to polls, but nothing is settled between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. The two candidates have been doing everything they can for the past ten days to rally Jean Luc Mélenchon’s voters to their side, who constitute a crucial pool of votes.

For his third candidacy for the presidential election, the candidate of France Insoumise collected 21.95% of the ballots. Its voters now constitute the third political force in the country. Who are these voters? Will they massively abstain? Will they vote reluctantly for the outgoing president, in order to block the far right? Can they vote for Marine Le Pen whose program shares some common points with that of France Insoumise? These are some of the questions we will try to answer tonight in Decryption with our guests. Jessica Sainty, professor and researcher in political science at the University of Avignon, specialist in electoral sociology and Emeric BrehierDirector of the Observatory of Political Life of the Jean Jaurès Foundation.
