The Utrecht region will receive tens of millions to speed up housing construction

The Utrecht region will receive tens of millions to speed

A total of eleven Utrecht municipalities will receive a subsidy. Most of the money goes to the municipality of Utrecht, which will receive more than 19 million euros to realize 1,856 homes. Amersfoort is second and receives more than 9 million euros for 885 homes. The other municipalities that will receive money are: Stichtse Vecht (5 million, 574 homes), Nieuwegein (4 million, 396 homes), Bunschoten (1.4 million for 174 homes), Veenendaal (750,000, 74 homes), Soest (562,500, 45 homes), Baarn (362,500, 29 homes), Leusden (304,500, 29 homes), De Bilt (287,800, 101 homes) and IJsselstein (200, 25 homes)
