the union of the left launches its campaign in Aubervilliers

the union of the left launches its campaign in Aubervilliers

In the presence of all its leaders, the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) held this Saturday in Aubervilliers, in the Paris region, its first convention in view of the legislative elections next June.

The alliance born of the agreement between the main left formations already had a name; it now has a logo: a red, green, mauve and pink “V” which means victory, but is also the Greek letter “NU”, evoking the beginning of Nupes and which can be mimicked with the fingers, like Churchill in his weather.

We are writing a page in the political history of France “, declared Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the figurehead of this new alliance. ” This is the first time in 25 years that a general agreement has been reached between the traditional forces of the left, environmentalists and the youngest, the rebellious “, he still greeted, surrounded by the ecologist leaders Julien Bayou, socialist Olivier Faure and Generation.s Sophie Taillé-Polian, while the communist Fabien Roussel had just left after his own speech to go “ marry relatives in Saint-Amand “.

To listen also: The New popular, ecological and social union, revolution on the left?

For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, this unprecedented agreement obtained in record time is the result of a dramatic situation. ” If we have been so fast, so strong, so far, it is because something is working the world in depth, the 40 years of neoliberalism, ransacking the planet, destroying human beings, has come to the end of its breath and all the everyone knows “, he launched.

Two weeks after Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the presidential election, where he came third in the first round, the Insoumis leader repeated it: ” There must be a third round, the legislative elections “, repeating that he himself would probably not be a candidate.

The first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure meanwhile insisted on doing “ a confidence “. ” The El Khomri labor law, no socialist has ever adopted it, because it was imposed on us by 49-3 “. It is therefore necessary, according to him, rather than telling the socialists “you are traitors”, telling them “we understood that we could be together” “.

According to the national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens, Julien Bayou, “ the no and the yes in the 2005 referendum are reconciled “, via the compromise, “ let’s disobey to save Europe, to redirect European policies towards the best social and ecological “. ” Happy reforms are at hand, that’s the event of the day! exclaimed Fabien Roussel, adding: We now have 30 days left to win the legislative elections. But for the communist leader, this will require defeating a formidable adversary: ​​abstention.

(With AFP)
