The trick is the 5 euro bet

The trick is the 5 euro bet

At Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? only your own knowledge counts. Many fans of the TV cult format would probably sign this sentence. Nevertheless, the philosopher and best-selling author Richard David Precht revealed a trick that does not give candidates the right answers, but at least the right strategy. The key is Günther Jauch’s €5 bet.

Despite the Günther Jauch trick: Richard David Precht had at Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Bad luck

Precht took part in the TV show in 2003 as a still relatively unknown author. To his misfortune, he was already eliminated in the preselection, in which candidates have to put historical events in the right order under time pressure. Nonetheless, he was able to stand out in his brief appearance learn a little trick.

As he explained in the joint podcast with TV presenter Markus Lanz, there are two possible strategies in the pre-selection round. Either you type in the order as quickly as possible and hope to happen to be right. Or you can take your time and make sure that your own answer is as accurate as possible. This carries the risk that competitors will forestall you with the random strategy, as already reported by FILMSTARTS.

RTL/Stefan Gregorowius

Günther Jauch on who wants to be a millionaire

Which strategy is more promising can be easily determined using the 5 euro bet between Günther Jauch and his studio boss fasten, according to Precht. In each episode, the two bet on how many candidates know the correct order. You already know the question and its answer.

If the number of successful candidates mentioned is particularly high, the question is probably rather simple and can be answered correctly in fractions of a second. But if the number is low, the question is so difficult that it warrants a closer look and more time to think.

However there is also a small catch: Jauch’s 5-euro bet didn’t work for Precht as a sign. The moderator bet against the knowledge of the candidates, Precht took his time, but was thrown out: A competitor typed in a random order of the events he was looking for and was faster. It is also not known whether Jauch and his recording manager are still making the bet.

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