The swimming training was interrupted by the chaos in Järva

About ten children from Spårvägen’s swimming club were forced to house a changing room when the unrest at Järvafältet broke out.
They sat there for several hours.
– It was so worried all around, there were sirens and there was stone throwing, says Jonatan Wik, the association’s sports manager.

TV4 News captures Jonatan Wik, sports manager at Spårvägen’s swimming association, just as he is about to meet the children, parents and swimming school leaders who have been locked in a changing room for several hours.

– We simply had to cancel our swimming training, he says.

The swimming school at Järvabadet, where children between the ages of six and eight attend, was forced to close when stone-throwing, fires and fights broke out at the festival at Järvafältet.

– Our leaders have behaved excellently, they accommodated all the children and parents in a changing room and there they have sat calmly and tried to pass the time. Now they have been escorted out of the area by the police, says Jonatan Wik.

“Seen people beaten”

On Thursday afternoon, chaos broke out on Järvafältet, west of Stockholm, in connection with the festival Eritrea Scandinavia. It has been organized in Stockholm since the 1990s and has previously been criticized for being loyal to the regime.

– We have seen people who have been beaten and how police have blocked off one lane which is right next to the festival area. We see a big cloud of smoke, it seems to be burning in this festival area. We have seen people running across the road and fleeing the field, said TV4 Nyheternas reporter Kristin Stein, who was there.


TV4 at the chaos at Järvafältet: “The police are chasing people”

Despite the disturbances, no one should have been seriously injured.
