The square that is viral in the world! Indonesian woman pretended to be dead in order not to pay her debt… Look how it turned out

The square that is viral in the world Indonesian woman

What an Indonesian woman did to avoid paying her debts went viral all over the world. Liza Dewi Pramita, who borrowed money from a person named Maya Gunawan but did not pay, pretended to be dead. The woman who shrouded herself and put cotton in her nose shared those moments on her daughter’s Facebook account.

Liza, who wrote the note ‘Died in a traffic accident’ under the photo she shared on Facebook, not only shared this photo, but also put the moments showing that she was being carried on a stretcher to add even more realism to the tragicomic event.

Maya, who could not get her money back, said that she was very upset after seeing these photo frames, but was skeptical when she read that Liza would be buried in Aceh Tamiang, a little far from where she lived. When she examined the photos more closely, she said that it didn’t look like a dead person.


As Maya continued to review photos of Liza, she googled the image of the stretcher carrying the body. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw that the image was taken from another website.


A confession from his daughter

Liza’s child also admitted that what happened after the incident was revealed was a game and explained that the whole thing was bullshit. Maya, who lost her money to Liza, says she still hasn’t been able to reach Liza since then and she hasn’t gotten her money back yet.
