the president of a teachers’ union dismissed from the civil service

the president of a teachers union dismissed from the civil

Jean Rémy Yama, president of the National Union of Teachers and Researchers (SNEC), has been dismissed from the civil service. The professor has been incarcerated since the beginning of March. He is accused of breach of trust in a housing construction case.

The SNEC says it discovered his radiation by chance. Emma Mouagouadi chairs one of the branches of the union (SNEC-Cenarest). Very upset, she denounces a political decision.

The SNEC is completely dismayed, completely disgusted and it is still a strong feeling of disappointment to see all this injustice, all this relentlessness around our president. Neither the vice-president nor the president himself has ever been contacted, has never been summoned to serve him or even give him warnings well in advance that he will be expelled, so that is what we infuriates. The civil service is governed by the texts of laws. The radiation is done either by disciplinary council, or by automatic radiation due to a report of the hierarchical chief indicating his absence for his work more than three months. However, this is not the case, there is no legal reason ! »

We want to destroy it »

For Emma Mouagouadi, it is a formal attack against the president of SNEC who is already incarcerated : “ This is why the SNEC speaks of a conspiracy, it is a purely political affair. He no longer has a salary, President Yama, as I may tell you, was just a few years away from retirement and this calls into question all these long years of activity, so it is at beyond punishment. Me, I say that we want to annihilate it. »

►Also read: In Gabon, anger of the teachers’ union after the imprisonment of Jean Rémy Yama
