These signs that should push you to (permanently) cut ties with your ex

These signs that should push you to permanently cut ties

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    Have you broken up with your ex but he or she continues to give you news? If in certain cases, it is possible (or even desirable, when there is a child in common for example) to maintain good relations with a former partner, in other cases, it is preferable to cut ties.

    Maintaining good relations with a former spouse is possible but this is not always the case. In some situations, it is better to move away from this person. What are the signs that should push you to cut things off for good with your ex? Here they are.

    An inability to move forward

    If the presence of your ex around does not allow you to turn the page on your relationship and take control of your life, this is a first sign that should push you to move away from him or her. Indeed, after a breakup, it is necessary to take time for yourself to refocus on your personal life.

    Persistent discomfort

    Sometimes, the simple presence of your ex by your side creates discomfort. This discomfort should alert you. Indeed, it is a sign that you are not capable of starting a friendly relationship with this person and that it is better to move away from them.

    Tensions that persist

    If the breakup was complicated and tensions persist between you and your ex, this can negatively impact your personal but also professional life. Don’t hesitate to step back and remove this person from your life, if you feel this is the case.

    Interference in your daily life

    Does your ex keep stopping by without warning? Does he call you all the time? It may be time to take some distance and refocus on yourself. Keeping in mind that your person and your well-being remain the priority.

    Breakup: 10 things not to do

    Slide: Breakup: 10 things not to do
