The police’s list – there are 150 addresses where the next crime may take place

The past month’s shootings and bombings linked to the ongoing gang conflicts have targeted both gang members and their relatives. In several cases, outsiders have also been injured and killed.

According to information to SVT, the police in Stockholm have a list of around 150 addresses where you can expect acts of violence to occur.

People in the criminal environment live at the addresses. But it is also about places where there are relatives, friends and companies that can be connected to gang criminals.

But even though the police know about these, there is no way to monitor them all.

– These inspections are carried out as part of the regular operations at the same time as all other work must be carried out. As the situation is now, there is no chance of keeping track of all these addresses, says a source with access to SVT.

Chief of Police: An impossibility

Catrine Kimerius Wikström, police chief in southern Stockholm does not want to comment on how many addresses the police are monitoring. She says that they monitor as many as possible, but that it is such a large number that it is not possible to have them all under surveillance.

– When we look at how many individuals move in these criminal structures and then also include each individual with relatives, then we probably all understand how many people are involved.

– It is an impossibility to be in all places at the same time.

According to Kimerius Wikström, they therefore try to prioritize among these addresses.

– What we are doing is intensive work with trying to be in the most vulnerable places and trying to get hold of the people who are central to this.
