The players’ association wants to be involved in deciding the league system of the SM league and is threatening legal action

The players association wants to be involved in deciding the

The discussion about the future series system of domestic ice hockey is heating up. According to the players’ association, the changes announced by the SM league are insufficient.

Matti Lehtisaari,

STT Sports

The ice hockey players’ association SJRY criticizes the changes to the current series system announced by the SM league in October as insufficient. The players’ association wants to be able to negotiate the changes together with the League and the Ice Hockey Association.

– According to the players’ association’s view, two vibrant professional leagues should be created in Finland, in which a total of 20-24 teams play. The operations of the series must be open and non-discriminatory in all respects, chairman Teemu Ramstedt’s signing in the bulletin it is said.

In its announcement, SJRY hints at the possibility of legal action if the negotiations do not produce results.

– Doubts have arisen in the public debate about the possible violation of the competition law of the current system, which the players’ association has investigated with experts. We now see it as of paramount importance that we take immediate action to create a series system that leaves no doubt as to the illegality of the activity.

The players’ association wants to participate in the negotiations about the series system.

– One party cannot decide on such important changes, but decisions are made together, the players’ association emphasizes.
