The penalty is increasing seriously in the case of 6 months and 6 thousand km rule.

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After the “6 months and 6 thousand kilometers” rule, 6,001 km advertisements appeared in the car, which became official in the past weeks.

For those who still don’t know Mehmet Mus, Minister of Tradefirst about the new era in automobile sales “After the first registration, companies, galleries, renters They will not be able to sell the new vehicles they bought without exceeding 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers. had made the statement. Speaking later on the subject, Muş said in his speech at the Turkey Export Mobilization Summit in Kayseri, “You see, there are new used vehicle ads. Therefore, a new vehicle is bought and sold with a larger figure. There is a situation that triggers each other in automobile prices. We prepared the regulation. After the first registration companies, galleries, rentacars We impose a restriction on the sale of new vehicles purchased for 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers.

Get those who really need it.. So it will be really second hand. If there are issues such as determining common prices or manipulating the market in companies, it is the task of the Competition Board and it opens an investigation and examines it. If there is a mistake, it does what is necessary, otherwise it closes. We think that after the regulation is published, citizens will have more primary access. We will not be faced with an advertisement as second hand zero” he said.

This period came into effect as of last week and 6,001 km ads appeared on major classifieds sites. Many vendors will be penalized only 8 thousand liras It started to revolve around the new era. Of course, this caused a great reaction. That’s why today a step has been taken and It was announced that the fine would be increased to 300 thousand TL.

According to NTV’s report The Ministry of Commerce will request authorization as soon as the Assembly opens on 1 October. By the way, according to the same news, the Ministry of Commerce is currently following the advertisements on all websites. It identifies the owners of the vehicles that are put up for sale with 6,001 km.


There was also a warning from the Ministry of Commerce for the last new period. Directly shared on the wall The warning went like this: “The period for marketing or sale of automobiles and off-road vehicles registered in the name of those engaged in the trade of second-hand motor vehicles before 16 August 2022 will expire on 15 September 2022. After 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers after this date, the marketing and sale of these vehicles will not be possible until 1 July 2023. In the process, inspections have also started. According to the statement made by the Ministry, inspections It will be done through 3 different channels:


1- Sales records will be followed on a daily basis: The sales records of second-hand motor vehicles submitted to the Ministry of Commerce with all the details by the Notaries Union of Turkey will be followed up on a daily basis. In the audits made on sales records, the obligation to obtain an appraisal report and to submit this report to the notary will also be checked.

2- Workplaces will be inspected: After September 15, 2022, through the Provincial Directorates of Commerce, workplace inspections will be carried out at auto dealers, car rental companies and authorized dealers in 81 provinces, and marketing and sales activities for vehicles under 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers will be examined.

3- Vehicle advertisements will be inspected: Advertisement information on vehicles marketed on advertisement sites will be regularly obtained from these sites, and the said marketing and sales activities will be followed.
