the opponent Maurice Kamto denounces a risk of a double coup d’état, electoral and military

the opponent Maurice Kamto denounces a risk of a double

In Cameroon, Maurice Kamto, president of the MRC and declared candidate for the 2025 presidential election on behalf of the Political Alliance for Change (APC), gave a press conference on Friday May 10 in Yaoundé. During this, he spoke of his party’s fears around the ongoing operations of registration on the electoral lists and also denounced the risk of “a military coup d’état” in preparation, if the MRC came to win the next presidential election.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Yaoundé, Polycarp Essomba

According to Maurice Kamto, an electoral coup is organized by Elecam. This independent body, responsible for the organization, management and supervision of the entire electoral process, is accused of being in collusion with the government to prevent, by various means, the mass registration of Cameroonians in the electoral process. inside the country as well as in the diaspora.

Read alsoCameroon: Elecam, election management body, under fire from critics

Maurice Kamto takes as an example the evolution, in his opinion very slow, of the electoral register which has stagnated for years at around 7 and a half million voters, while the overall population of the country is estimated at 30 million inhabitants.

For the MRC and its leader, all these companies reflect the fear of the regime in place in the face of the enthusiasm shown by Cameroonians, in recent months, to register on the electoral lists. Consequently, the Chief Electoral Officer Election’s Cameroonthe president of the electoral council and all the members of the said council must resign, asserts Maurice Kamto.

The military coup that the president of the MRC foresees stems from the public outings of some activists and communicators from the RDPC, the ruling party, who would have, in various circumstances, declared that a military coup would be inevitable in Cameroon if the MRC were to win the next presidential election.

Statements which would not have caused any stir in circles of power, which is understood as a certain approval by Maurice Kamto. The president of the MRC warns, for one or other of the coup d’état scenarios envisaged: he will not let it happen, whatever the price that will have to be paid, he says.

Read alsoCameroon: re-elected as head of the MRC, Maurice Kamto launches a new opposition coalition
