the “not in our name!” of citizens of Muslim culture – L’Express

La decheance morale dun antisionisme qui trouve juste quon tue

On October 7, we once again witnessed the unspeakable, the unspeakable return of radical evil.

After September 11, 2001, the Bataclan and the attack on Charlie Hebdo and Hypercasher, but also after the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban and the repression of the mullahs’ regime on their own people, after the Somali shebbabs, the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and so many others, it is Israel which was struck at dawn by the barbarity of Hamas. Children, women, old people massacred, burned alive, mutilated, raped; young people coming to celebrate life and the dream of a future that they wanted to be bright were assassinated by Hamas, the armed wing of the Muslim Brotherhood which infiltrates here in complete freedom.

The barbarians of Harakat al Moukawama al Islamiya have cast fear and darkness on this day before the astounded eyes of the world. The anonymity of the corpses, the crushed faces, the mutilated organs, the fetid smell of death inevitably takes us back to the worst periods of humanity.

READ ALSO >>Israel-Hamas: the blindness of Mona Chollet or the worst of the left, by Abnousse Shalmani

We have been waiting for almost three long weeks for people of Muslim culture to break the silence in the face of this new offensive of Muslim totalitarianism, we have been desperately waiting for a massive rally under the slogan “NOT IN MY NAME”!

Israel, the blind spot

This slogan, which we saw appear on various occasions, suddenly disappeared. This time, it’s about Israel, people whisper. It’s complicated, it’s too risky, it’s too divisive, Israel, the blind spot. Would Israel, the aphrodisiac of the Arab world, be so difficult to sustain in its existence? We invoke the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we talk about colonization and territories when in truth it is simply a matter of unequivocally condemning the barbarity, hatred and planned destruction of the Jewish people. It is about taking sides in the diffuse global war that Islam is waging to impose the reign of Allah and the eradication or submission of otherness everywhere on the planet. It is from her that all the Islamists, patient or active, claim to be involved in all jihads, warlike or civil, that the horrors of October 7 have galvanized: Here, another professor executed, here they are Swedes shot down, daily anti-Semitic remarks and acts everywhere, all under the cry of “Allah Akbar!”.

READ ALSO >>What Gazans (really) think of Hamas

We, from Muslim culture, refuse to allow its most bloodthirsty, obscurantist and anti-Semitic aspects to imprison all those who come from it. First of all, we must recognize the legitimacy of all those, more and more numerous, who go as far as apostasy.

The genocidal massacre of October 7 is an attack on our humanity, our silence condemns us to being complicit.

* By Sonya Zadig (clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst and writer) and Fadila Maaroufi (director of fundamentalism observatory and co-founder of the Paris – Brussels secular café)

Signatories: Hassan Chalghoumi (president of the conference of imams of France), Boualem Sansal (writer), Naïma B. (committed citizen), Faycal Jellil (committed citizen), Fadila Oulebsir-Agoyer (retired management controller), David Duquesne (liberal nurse and writer), Samia Dussart (job seeker), M. Chahrazed (teacher-researcher), Sandrine Ait Aider (craftsman), Khadija Korchi (sociologist), Goudane Smaïn (executive driver), David Vallat (manager business in industry), François Fayçal Aït Douar, Myriam Ibn Arabi (establishment head), Hicham Aït Idir (history master’s student), Rim Ben Yacoub (artist), Saliha Yahia-bey (territorial civil servant ), Assia Smail (secular activist), Fadila Tatah (artistic director), Yanis, Julien, Momo, Viv and Ratsul (members of the ex-Muslim collective, apostate activists), Sofia (Lieux Communs collective).
