This first name worn by the daughter of a French star has been in vogue for several months

This first name worn by the daughter of a French

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty


    If international stars sometimes choose very original first names for their babies, others are more “classic” and allow future parents to draw inspiration. Discover a female first name from the top 100 worn by the daughter of a famous French singer.

    Choosing a name for your future baby is a (sometimes) complicated task. For inspiration, future parents sometimes look to stars and their choices of first names for their children. If some celebrities make original choices that are difficult to draw inspiration from, others rely on more classic first names with a slight touch of daring. Doctissimo has chosen to highlight a first name from the top 100 which appealed to one of the most popular French singers currently.

    Esmée, the first name of the singer Louane’s granddaughter

    Since March 2020, singer Louane has been the mother of a little girl (with her partner Florian Rossi). The couple decided to name their child Esmée. A pretty French first name of Esmeralda. But if the singer probably partly popularized this first name, it is not to her that we owe its arrival in France. This sweet feminine first name actually appeared in France in 2001 but it was especially from 2005 that it experienced a great rise thanks to the novels of Stephenie Meyer, the famous Twilight saga. There is no doubt that Esme Cullen, heroine of Twilight, contributed to the discovery of Esmée in France. To date, 2,900 people have this first name and it is now one of the top 100 most popular first names.

    In terms of character, we attribute to little Esmée a diplomatic and loyal spirit. They are sociable and very receptive to the emotions of others. Sensitive little girls who have other qualities like kindness.

    The top 20 female first names in 2024

    If you prefer to focus on trendy first names, here are the projections for the top 20 female first names in 2024: 1. Alba 2. Louise 3. Jade 4. Amber 5. Emma 6. Romy 7. Pink 8. Anna 9. Alice 10. Mia 11. Lena 12. Lou 13. Iris 14. Julia 15. Agatha 16. Charlie 17. Alma 18. Inaya 19. Lina 20. Chloe.

    The experts from the book L’Officiel des Prénoms provide us with their insight into these projections: “Louise and Jade were competing for first place on the podium last year and did not see, in their fierce battle, the Alba rocket take off. They should have been wary: this little name is now in orbit, ahead of these old rivals. The first names of nature consolidate their progress (Amber, Agathe and Jade for stones, Iris and Rose for flowers), endings in “a” (Emma, ​​Léa, Mila and Lina), which appeared strongly in the early 2000s, continue to decline with the exception of Alba. Romy and Charlie have focused on endings that rhyme with Élodie, Émilie and Sylvie, sounds from another era and yet which give them wings. In 2024, we are not expecting the arrival of extended first names in the big leagues: the stars continue to set the tone with 1 to 2 syllables and 5 letters on average. By 2025, two stars could revitalize the “a” endings: Luna, with her very trendy natural side, and Ava, showing constant growth.

    Top 10 female first names 2022 in France according to INSEE

    Slide: Top 10 female first names for 2022 in France according to INSEE
