The new MMORPG ArcheAge 2 is coming to PC, PS5, Xbox – There is a new update for the release

The new MMORPG ArcheAge 2 should actually start a beta in 2024: The MMORPG should focus on PvE and appear for PC, PS5 and Xbox. But now the possible period for a planned release has been pushed back.

This is what we knew so far:

  • The publisher Kakao Games wanted to make ArcheAge 2 particularly appealing to us players in the West in November 2023. So they are foregoing the mobile port that is common in South Korea and instead want to bring the new online role-playing game to PC, Xbox and PS5.
  • In addition, the new MMORPG should offer more content for PvE and story fans than the original ArcheAge. There was talk of dungeons and a campaign mode.
  • PvP should focus on small groups. To do this, they wanted to forego the large-scale PvP of its predecessor.
  • A big presentation was planned for gamescom 2024

    What did we know about the release? Kakao’s plan was actually to launch a beta in 2024. They wanted to offer us a big presentation at gamescom 2024 – another sign of the focus on the West, alongside the console port and PvE focus.

    A release would then probably be planned for 2025.

    Release postponed to “After 2025”.

    This has changed: In a new investor conference, however, the plans now appear to have shifted. Because now ArcheAge 2 is only marked “After 2025”.

    So that doesn’t quite fit with the schedule with the presentation and beta start as early as 2024.

    Now it sounds more like presentations and beta are planned for 2025 and a release in 2026 at the earliest. However, more precise details are still missing.

    ArcheAge was part of the last big MMORPG year in the West

    What is the story of ArcheAge? The free2play MMORPG ArcheAge was released in Europe in the last big MMORPG year in 2014, along with The Elder Scrolls Online and WildStar.

    ArcheAge caused a lot of hype and full servers when it was released: The game started with a “land rush” and the fastest players were able to secure land and build here.

    But a multitude of problems, hacks, cheats and an invasive Pay2Win model abruptly ended ArcheAge’s triumphant advance. In the years that followed, the game continued to have its fans, but was usually only able to hold the attention of players outside of the core community for a while with “Fresh Start” servers.

    Everything about the new MMORPG ArcheAge 2, the great hope for sandbox fans
