The new Guardians of the Galaxy film on Disney + brings back dead fan favorite – and moves them to tears

The new Guardians of the Galaxy film on Disney

Attention, follow spoiler!

At the conclusion of Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe there is a contemplative Christmas special at Disney+: The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Before the chaotic Marvel family embarks on their third big screen adventure, the holiday lights are unpacked and Kevin Bacon is kidnapped.

Also returning is a character who died in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: the one played by Michael Rooker yondu. Director and screenwriter James Gunn had actually promised that he would let the dead rest. Last but not least, the MCU brings back deceased characters far too often.

Here’s how Yondu returns in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special on Disney+

But now Rooker’s name is in the credits of the Guardians special – has Gunn broken his promise? The simple answer is: no. Gunn didn’t revive Yondu with a Christmas spell. The return takes place in a animated flashback sequence takes place, which frames the 44-minute Marvel adventure.

The trailer for the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special:

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special – Trailer (German) HD

Young Peter Quill wants to celebrate Christmas with Kraglin on the Eclector. However, Yondu bursts into the room and destroys the celebratory mood. Real space pirates don’t need gifts. He angrily kicks over the Christmas tree and rages away. This event haunts Quill to this day, as Kraglin recounts.

However, Kraglin doesn’t know the whole story. That’s what Quill reveals at the end of the special. Yondu is not only a tough guy, but also possesses a big heart. After realizing the damage he’s caused, he gives young Peter a redeeming gift: the two iconic Element Guns.

Gunn solved the issue of Yondu’s return in a charming and touching way, without undermining the character’s death. Now we can be curious how the story in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 will continue. The conclusion of Gunn’s Marvel trilogy begins on May 3, 2023 in German cinemas.

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How did you like the return of Yondu?
